National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture

Search results

Search results: 734 document(s)


Program of the performance of the Karelian Drama Theatre "Malbruk has decided to go on a trip" staged by the play of Ya.E.Virtanen and Luoto Laury
performance program  [with digitized pages]


Program of the performance of the State Finnish Drama Theatre of Karelia "Inspector" staged by N.V.Gogol"s play with autograph of the stage-manager S.A.Margolin
performance program (1952, February-March)  [with digitized pages]


Program of the performance of the State Finnish Drama Theatre of Karelia "The forth vertebra or Swindler against his will" staged by Martti Larni"s play with autograph of the stage-manager Naum Livshits
performance program ([1965, September])  [with digitized pages]


Project of a wooden praying house and school of the Evangelical-Lutheran parish in Petrozavodsk
draft (1890)


Prospectus of lectures on the history of the Karelian fine arts
booklet ([1956])  [with digitized pages]


Puppets for a performance of Petrozavodsk Puppet theatre "Karelian souvenirs"
photography (1974)  [with digitized pages]


R.Ya.Nustrem"s letter to O.V.Kuusinen
letter (1938, January, 10)  [with digitized pages]


R.Ya.Nustrem"s letter to his wife"s sister
letter (1937, December, 5)  [with digitized pages]


R.Ya.Nustrem"s photograph


R.Ya.Nustrem"s poem "Karelia"
poetry (1930)


R.Ya.Nustrem"s poem "Spring"
poetry (1929)  [with digitized pages]


R.Ya.Nustrem"s story "In chains"
story (Not later than 1930)


Receipt of G.S.Benediktov, a father of the poet V.G.Benediktov, for a bronze medal instituted by Manifest dd. 30 August, 1814 in memory of 1812 for putting it in the buttonhole on Vladimirskaya ribbon
receipt (1815)


Receipt of G.S.Benediktov, a father of the poet V.G.Benediktov, for submitting evidence of his belonging to nobility to the Olonets deputy noblemen council
receipt (1815, February, 9)


Receipt of a collegiate councillor V.G.Benediktov for looking through the content of the letter from the Olonets province administration about including his kin in the book of the nobility of the Olonets province and paying off a stamp-duty
receipt (1844, July, 24)  [with digitized pages]


Recollections of Karelian partisans - participants of the Great Patriotic War
reminiscences (1970-1985)


Recollections of the founder of Petrozavodsk social-democratic organization A.A.Kopyatkevich about N.A.Kluyev"s participation in the meeting of Petrozavodsk workers and about N.A.Kluyev presenting him with 60 revolutionary poems
reminiscences (1922)


Record in the minutes of the meeting of Olonets department of public charity of establishing the department by G.R.Derzhavin
record (1784, 17 of December)  [with digitized pages]


Record in the minutes of the meeting of Olonets department of public charity of finishing the building of the hospital in Petrozavodsk
record (1785, 26 of June)  [with digitized pages]


Record in the minutes of the meeting of Olonets department of public charity of making charity-boxes for collecting money for charitable purposes
record (1785, 4 of March)


Record in the minutes of the meeting of Olonets department of public charity signed by G.R.Derzhavin of keeping an account-book
record (1785, 3 of January)


Record in the minutes of the meeting of Olonets department of public charity signed by G.R.Derzhavin of the order of giving financial support to families which adopted babies
record (1785, January, 21)


Record in the record-book of Olonets-Petrovsky works" Administration of G.R.Derzhavin"s instructions to allocate premises for "music school" in Petrozavodsk
record (1785, May, 13)


Record in the record-book of the Olonets province administration signed by G.R.Derzhavin of sending a land surveyor to make a plan of Olonets and of the commission"s work on establishing a border with Saint-Petersburg province near the Svir river
record (1785, July, 7)


Record in the record-book of the Olonets province administration signed by G.R.Derzhavin of the commission"s work on determining inner borders of the Olonets province
record (1785, July, 11)


Record in the register book of Svyatozersky parish of the birth of the son named Nikolay in the family of Leskov F.A., a priest of Svyatozerskaya Nikolayevskaya church
record (1871,1 of November)


Record in the register of Petrozavodsk city council meeting of repairing the house for the Governor G.R.Derzhavin
record (1784, September, 26)


Record in the register of meetings of the Olonets province administration about the court counsellor G.S.Benediktov taking part in its work
record (1817, October, 6)


Record in the register of the Olonets province office of the peasants" affairs about a temporarily nomination of the Administration Assistant Head Governor P.N.Rybnikov to the position of the office acting Secretary
record (1861, March, 14)


Record in the register of the Olonets province office of the peasants" affairs about dismissal of the office acting Secretary P.N.Rybnikov
record (1861, April, 3)

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National Archives of Karelia : Archival Mosaic of Karelian Culture